Popliteal fossa
Vessels and nerves of the thigh
A glutea superior, R. superficialis •
• M piriformis
M gluteus maximus •
A glutea inferior #
A,; V pudenda interna • •
N ischiadicus
• M. adductor magnus
# A a perforantes
M biceps femoris, Caput longum
M semitendinosus $
M semimembranosus #
V poplitea •
N. cutaneus surae medialis
V, saphena parva •
N. gluteus inferior
N cutaneus femoris posterior
# M. biceps femoris, Caput breve
N fibularis communis
N. cutaneus
surae lateralis
A. poplitea •
N tibialis
# M gluteus médius
• M gemellus inferior
R profundus
(A circumflexa femoris medialis)
• R. ascendens (A. circumflexa
femoris medialis)
# R superficialis (A circumflexa
femoris medialis)
• M. quadratus femoris
Fig. 1400
Vessels and nerves of the gluteal region, Regio glutealis,
the posterior region of thigh, Regio femoris posterior,
and the popliteal fossa, Fossa poplitea;
after dissection of the gluteus maximus muscle and the long head
of the biceps femoris muscle
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